Free movement and social protection of officials in Europe : proceedings of the Seminar of October 29th 1997.

Free movement and social protection of officials in Europe : proceedings of the Seminar of October 29th 1997. - Bruxelles : Coopération Sociale Européenne, 1997. - 281 σ. : εικ., πίν. ; 21 εκ.

Organised by Coopération Sociale Européenne ; with the participation of the Public Relations Department of the Mutualité Fonction Publiqur ; with the constribution of the European Commission DGV.

Βιβλιογραφία: σ. 265-268.

Κοινωνική πρόνοια--Ευρώπη.
Κράτος πρόνοιας--Ευρώπη.
Public welfare--Europe.
Welfare state--Europe.


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